Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Office (by Kevin)

Do you ever have those days that you wonder why you are doing what you are doing? Maybe there is a better place to work? Maybe I should change careers completely?

And then there is something that brings you back to why you are doing what you are doing? Why you really do love your job, the people in the office or that commute for some?

I had one of those moments last week. Work has been crazy lately. The nights seems too late and the mornings come too early. Can't complain because I am gaining new business but that sometimes just brings that extra added stress. I sometimes daydream about Emma and I selling everything we got and packing up the family and move overseas and basically check out. Those daydreams are short lived and then something brings me back to Earth and I remember why I truly love my job.

The reality is regardless of the time of year I have one of the best offices in the State of Vermont from my windshield of my truck.

A couple pictures with my clients last week at Shelburne Farms. They seemed happy grazing and enjoying the view. Not a bad place to work or be a cow I must say.


Unknown said...

I love you, Kev Dog!! x

Unknown said...

What I meant to say was that we are so blessed to live up here. The hills, fields, cows, birds, flowers, foxes, barns, empty cellar holes, ancient tedders and tractors, the delicious aroma of a newly spread field, gentle lowing, trees whispering in the breeze, bees, farm stands, dirt roads, spanners clinking, 4-wheelers screaming, moles scurrying, fresh air, tippling mountain streams...

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