Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sapphie Turns 2!

I'm sure you've noticed my blogs are a little out of order, but it's all a function of how much time I have to make a post. I've been dying to put up some pictures from December and of course Sapphie's 2nd birthday! We've had such a wonderful month and it's really flown by.

First, we went to visit Great Grandma Ree and Great Grandpa Dick in Leeds. We had such a relaxing visit, I forgot to take any pictures so I've only got a few. We just hung out, played and talked, and of course enjoyed the new kitchen and took naps every day. Sapphie took to calling Ree "Grandma Ree", which is what we all call her, and she called Grandpa Dick just plain old "Dick". It was pretty funny. Here she is trying on my earmuffs:

Kevin was so excited to take Sapphie to Look Park, where he used to go as a little boy. It's a HUGE park and every winter they do a winter wonderland and cover the entire park with figures made of lights. Sapphie had a blast! Here we are in a sleigh...

On the bridge
And, my favorite, the hayride! No it wasn't pulled by horses, so I had gotten her all excited to see some and it turned out to be a tractor. She didn't mind though, she was so excited. The ride was about 15 minutes and took us all around the park to see the lights.

At the Gleason's, flirting with "Dick"

The next big event was Christmas, which we had in Burlington this year!! I must say we were pretty torn about our decision not to travel, but both sets of parents were so supportive that we went for it - and LOVED it!! It was so nice to have Sapphie wake up in her own bed and enjoy the tree during this special time of year. Penelope and Colin put on an amazing feast, and we partied at their house. Here's Sapphie reading the new book that Auntie Lucy and Uncle John gave her:

Opening more presents...this is the first of many!!

Figgy pudding shot. It was, as always, amazing.

Hannah and Richard.

And, the next day we celebrated Sapphie's birthday! It was so fun, just family (and Isaac, but we consider him family). Sapphie got a new bike from Nonna and Grandpi. She's so excited!!!

This is the cake I made for her. It's a carrot cake and came out so yummy. No coconut on the head since Nonna hates it...Sapphie's really been into snowmen lately so I was really excited to get her reaction.

She loved it!! She still asks for some snowman cake. What she doesn't know is I have an entire section in the freezer for us to eat when the baby comes home.

Another gift from Nonna - a new kitchen!! This has been a big hit.

To go with her new kitchen, Christina sent Sapphie a new apron and oven mitt. And, Papa LaLa gave her a new stool! She's been using both every day to help me cook.

And a few other random shots. Colin (Onkie as Sapphie calls him) has taught Sapphie Awkward Pose. This is not the true yoga pose, but a very awkward stance that Colin made up and we named when we were in England. Sapphie's good at it.

Reading, her favorite thing to do.

Reading to her babies

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