Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's a Girl!

Most of you know already, but I must make an official post to announce our baby girl, Sapphire Elizabeth. Sapphie was born on December 26th, 5 days after her "due date". The birth was amazing, and everything went smoothly. I went into labor on Christmas Eve when we were at Penelope and Colin's. Luckily, we were able to enjoy an amazing Christmas dinner and exchange gifts before we had to go home so I could start my hypnobirthing. Around 10pm, we got home and decided to watch The Holiday. Then we both went to bed, and I labored through the night in deep relaxation. By 5:30am, I woke up Kevin and told him it was time.
We arrived at the hospital at 6am and were placed in our first choice room, which had panoramic views of the city and a birthing tub. After some preliminary check-in tests, I got right into the labor tub and relaxed between contractions. Sapphie was born in the tub at 10:10am. She was 7lbs 10oz and 21" long.
The first 2 weeks were emotional for all, and we are now settling down into a new routine and a wonderful life with our new baby girl. I'm having a blast at home with my new little buddy. Here are some pictures from her first 2 weeks of life:

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