Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5 Months!

Yesterday, Sapphie turned 5 months old. Can you believe it? The time is really flying by. What news do we have? Well, the biggest event we had this month was probably my Hooding Ceremony. Yes, I'm officially a Doctor of Philosophy. The ceremony was pretty boring overall, and it was hot. But I'm glad we went, and I am proud of myself. The coolest part was at the end, everybody stood and applauded for the PhD's. It's no small feat, and the degree comes with a lot of respect. Sapphie was very well-behaved of course, and we had a really special gathering after the ceremony with some great food, drinks, and company.
I also celebrated my first Mother's Day, starting in Northampton and ending in Shelburne at the Bearded Frog. It was a wonderful day!! Kevin got me some very luxurious L'Occitane hand cream to keep in my diaper bag.
Sapphie has been very busy. She has been rolling over, stretching, growing, and eating a lot! We just started her on rice cereal (on her birthday), and she loved it! We'll stick to that for now, and maybe add some more foods next month. She weighs 16 pounds and is growing out of all her cute clothes. See for yourself in the slideshow below! And here are a few of my favorites:

We had our first girls night out
Sapphie loves Isaac
Snoozing with Daddy
Playing on her blanket with the dogs

And here are a bunch more!

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