Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Frenzy

Hmmm. What can I say about the absolute deliquency of my blogging? Uh...we've been...busy. Yeah, that's it. Here, I'll show you what we've been up to the last few months!

Here's Sapphie playing chef at Ruby's house. She has really gotten into helping in the kitchen, and being the mummy to her dollies and stuffed toys.

Snuggling with Sylvester, Kevin's doll from when he was little!

Reading with Uncle Ollie

Helping Daddy walk the dogs

Oh yeah, and Kristen got married!! I love this picture of her

Kissing a monkey in Newport, RI

Walking down the aisle with mummy

A visit to Shelburne Farms

And we had a visit from the Manguals! It was such a great time. We went apple picking at Shelburne Orchards. Julia kept Sapphie in line.

Walking with Lukey

Sleeping with her new doggie that John gave her. She loves him!

And, last weekend, we carved our first Halloween pumpkins! Sapphie was scared of them when the lights were off, but when it was light she would run up to them and say "hello!"

There is so much new with Sapphie. I don't even know where to start! She loves to count. She says "one, two, three, four, NINE!! Two." It's hilarious. She is also totally obsessed with babies, both real ones and dollies. She hugs and kisses them, sleeps with them, eats with them sitting next to her (and yes, she tries to feed them), and takes them everywhere she goes. It's really funny. She also likes to bathe them and change their diapers. Her second favorite thing? The dogs. They are her best buddies and it is so cute to watch her play. If she's drawing, she puts out paper and crayons for the dogs too. She cleans their ears, rides them like horsies, and feeds them any food she doesn't want to eat. She's also talking all the time. Some really cute things she says: every night, when I put her to bed, I tell her I love her. Then she says "daddy love you? Babot (that's Cabot) love you? Coopy love you?" And I say "yes, we all love you." And she says "otay". Then she goes to sleep. If there's someone else on her mind, she'll ask me if they love her too.
She says her own name: Sassie. It's so cute! And she's starting to understand ownership with toys. She says "mine", and if another child tries to take it away she yells "no!"
For some reason, she's always asking if strange things have a nuk (that's a pacifier). She'll say "moon nuk?" "doggie nuk?"...she wants to know if they suck their thumb or have a nuk. I tell her they suck their thumb, then she puts her thumb in her mouth.
She loves to go to church because she gets to play with the babies in the nursery. She loves to go to Yoga so she can play with all the babies while the moms do yoga.
Whenever she wakes up in the morning, she plays in her bed for at least an hour. She makes such a racket in there playing with all her dolls and stuffed toys. She talks to them and often throws them overboard. When we walk in, she yells "all done night-night!"
When Kevin tells her no, she comes yelling "mummy mummy!" as if I'm going to save her. It's so funny. She loves the itouch and plays lots of baby games (spelling, animal sounds, etc) on it. I think she actually knows how to use it better than I do...
I think that's it for an update! Lots to tell. I'll try to post more frequently from now on. Happy fall!!

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