Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bathroom Rehab

I've recently decided that I need to go into each room in the house, identify the things I absolutely hate about the room or what's in it, and write it down so that I can have a goal to fix it. I don't know why it is, but I have a bad habbit of getting used to things the way they are, and not realizing how simple it is to make a few adjustments that will make me really happy with my house. Do you do that? I don't think it's laziness, it's just hard to identify what needs to change in your own house unless you really make an effort. Anyway, the first room I tackled our guest bathroom, and, this weekend, I re-did it! I was inspired by a mirror that Kevin's parents just gave us. This gave me the perfect vision, and now it's come to life! The greatest part is that we didn't have to do new floors or a new vanity (which we'd love to do but it's not in the budget). Just some paint, some new hardware, and a beautiful mirror, and it looks amazing.

Here are the "before" pictures

And now, look! I love the guest loo!


Unknown said...

I LOVE my new bathroom!!! Bravo...the wall colour is so beautiful, and the new mirror stunning! Amazing. I'm so proud of your efforts x

Penelope said...

It really does look beautiful. I've been wanting to paint our loos for 2 years now. I'm inspired!

Christina and Brian said...

It's a huge improvement! I love the color! Nice work. I hope you took a long nap after all that work, preggo.

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