Sapphie and I have had a water bond since she entered the world. She was born in the water and we have been bathing together since she was a newborn. Early on, I discovered that I am not into infant bath tubs. They are lame, cold, hard, and awkward. They make you bend over and strain your back, with your cold little baby looking up at you. It felt so much better for me to get in the tub with her, to snuggle her and help her to swim, to nurse her when she went through her fear of water phase, and to continue playing with her to this day. I look forward to our bathtime together.
Tonight, I took a bath alone because Sapphie had gone to bed. It felt so weird not to have my little buddy with me. Relaxing, yes, but also a little lonely. And too quiet. No songs, or splashing each other. I've been having some feelings of sadness to think that very soon, I won't be able to give Sapphie 100% of me all the time. Don't get me wrong, I'm fully excited for the baby and I know that Sapphie will be too. But, it's a big change coming up. No longer just us three, and never just us three again. I really hope the baby waits until Sunday or later so that we can take her on the sleigh ride we've been talking about. Anyway, back to the bath. I've been wondering when the new baby comes, what will change about bathtime? I'll need to take one with the new baby, but I won't want to give up my tub time with Sapphie. I'm not sure what I'll do. Take 2 baths a day? Alternate baths each night? Will daddy give Sapphie a bath? Um, I don't think so. Not to provide too much information, but I don't want Sapphie to be traumatized by the gigantic hairy spider (think 1970's) that she refers to as "Daddy's Tweekies".
Of course when the baby gets bigger, Sapphie and the baby will take baths together and hopefully I'll join them. For now, though, I'm going to give Sapphie as many baths as I can, and I think I'll plan to continue our bath time, whatever it takes. It's just too much fun!!
1 comment:
This last photograph is too funny!
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