Monday, December 22, 2008

Solstice snowshoe

Yesterday was winter solstice, and my due date. No baby yet, but we did get a TON of snow! To celebrate, Penelope and I went out to Pennycluse for breakfast. We went very early for a Sunday (8:45am!!), but it was full and we even had to wait for a table. It was so fun talking, relaxing, and watching the crazy people in their cars with no clue how to drive in the snow. Then we did a little shopping, and the stores were empty! So there is a benefit to getting up early on Sundays...

Then, I took a 2-hour nap in honor of my due date. I did not respond to the many texts asking "did you have your baby yet??????" Honestly, I'm in no hurry. Of course I'm excited, but I have really embraced the concept that the baby is in charge now, and I just have to continue living my life until he or she decides it's time to come out. I'm not going to sit at home and hold my breath, that's for sure!

I woke up from my nap, totally energized, and the snow was still falling heavily. So I called Penelope, and asked her if she wanted to go snowshoeing? Of course she did! She walked up to my place, and we went for a snowshoe at the golfcourse. It was just breathtaking. Pink sky, fluffy snow up to your knees, dogs going wild and white washing each other, kids screaming with laughter as they plunged down the sledding hill at Burlington Country Club. What a magical afternoon. When we got home, Kevin had a fire going and was cleaning like a madman (he gets this habit from his mother). So I made a very spicy meat sauce and some whole wheat pasta, along with his mother's amazing caeasar salad, and we had a lovely dinner. What an awesome solstice and due-date day!


Unknown said...

What a magical day for look absolutely amazing!
I'm so inspired to go out in all this loverly snowshoeing snow...but first I have to make the figgy pudding!
xx Mama

Hanushka said...

You're already the best Mom ever! Giving the baby his walks and naps, and spicy meat sauce! xoxoxo

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