Wednesday, June 16, 2010

World Hunger (by Kevin)

It has been interesting to see the recent out pouring of support for agriculture in our society. Maybe the message is finally getting through to the public. I see more and more bumper stickers that tote pro-agriculture messages: "Buy Locally", "No Farms, No Food", "Got Milk", "Got Cheese", etc, etc.

We need to take a deeper look into what is going to happen in the coming years as our global population grows and where US agriculture fits into that picture. Here is a short video off of "You Tube" that I received today that is worth watching. Pay close attention to the facts and in a couple of days I will have a follow up post that gives you a closer perspective of agriculture in Vermont and the economic machine that the industry is in the great Green Mountain State.

One Hunger Planet

Let's educate ourselves about these practices before we criticize something we may not know anything about. You may find a great steward of the land he works and a sheppard to his livestock the next time you take a minute to talk to a farmer.

Being a steward and a sheppard sounds pretty nice.

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