Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two little characters

I am so behind on posting photos and updates. It's so funny how life is a roller coaster. Sometimes I'm feeling so on top of things, organized, and in charge of my life, and other times I feel like I'm drowning in things to do and my life is spiraling out of control.
Behind on work.
Behind on Life.
Not enough time in the day to finish my to-do lists.

I guess that's what happens when you're working from home. There's no refrain for catching up! Don't get me wrong - I am so grateful to have such a flexible job - but working from home is twice as much work as being a stay-at-home mom. You've got two big jobs to do, and half the time to do it!

Today, I decided to post an update while the babies are napping. My two little ones are truly so amazing to watch. While Sapphie is developing into a sassy little know-it-all, Teo is clearly a little man who doesn't want any trouble, just a long snuggle...all day long. These pictures totally depict what I've got on my hands:

Lil' Missy

Liz calls Sapphie "little missy". I used to think it was kind of funny, but now I realize it totally suits her. To say that Sapphie is a firecracker is an understatement. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and watch out if you get in her way. She wants to play, learn, and laugh, all the time. Her spirit is absolutely the sweetest and most life-loving one I've ever met. Her passion comes out playing dress up, playing catch-the-marshmallow-in-your-mouth with Isaac, and, of course, when she needs to put her parents in their place.

If you say her name with a tone, she snaps her head around and says "Don't talka me dat way!"

She is also obsessed with learning, and she is constantly saying "I'm gonna do it all by myself! I'm a big girl!" She loves to talk about which animals make milk and which ones don't. She's almost fully potty trained, since she refused to wear her diaper the day after she turned two. A friend came over recently and said she didn't need the baby seat, so now Sapphie refuses to use it. She thinks is so funny when things move. She goes "wow that's really moving!!"
The other thing that I find so interesting is how much Sapphie likes to imitate me. She loves to have her "coffee" in the morning (I make her chamomile tea and she thinks it's coffee). She also loves the wine (pear juice) that I've started letting her drink out of a little port glass during dinner. She puts on make-up and lotion every day, especially right before we go somewhere or a friend comes over.

...and, Lil' Lover

One of Sapphie's biggest obsessions, I'm happy to say, is her baby brother. She loves to read to him, feed him from a bottle, tickle him, and sing him songs. If he's crying, she yells at me to give him mama's milk. She will be bossing him around in no time, I'm sure. This picture totally shows what a sweet little man Teo is! I think he was just crying in this picture because I had put him down. Almost every time I put him down, his bottom lip curls up and he starts to cry. He loves to be held and snuggled. He puts his arms straight down like that when you look at him, and his legs go stiff. He's so funny. Recently, he's noticed his hands and will stare at them, trying to get them to move with all his might. I think he's going to be the sweetest and most sensitive little boy - who will be constantly bossed around by his sister...just like Max and Ruby!

"Say smile Teo!!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a good writer, Emi, and I love to read your descriptions of each of your little darlings...keep it up! "Bossy Flossy" comes to mind! mother, like daughter! x

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